(scanned from a winter 2007 edition of UMM) |
article written by Andréanna Sasseville
Who are they:David Hinsley and Ray "Red" Bull left the band in 2008. Calvin Lechner (better known as "Poncho") joined the band shortly and they recruited a touring guitarist, before JP and Stricko were added to the lineup. Hinsley is still close to the band, recently co-writing a few songs off can'T kEep A SecrEt.
Faber - guitar and lead vocals
Hinsley - lead guitar and backing vocals
Krikit - bass and backing vocals
Red Bull - drums and backing vocals
Hometown:Yes, it was Nickelback- more specifically, Chad Kroeger who owns 604 Records. Not suprising at all; the man also manages Marianas Trench, My Darkest Days, George Canyon, and Theory of a Deadman. (Don't y'all dare diss this multi-talent again.)
Mission, British Columbia
Debut disc:
Seven Second Surgery - 2007
Their style:
Pop/rock hook songs!
Band name history:
They used to be known as Faber but there is a band in the United States with that name. When Faber drives, he likes to multitask! One day, he went right through a red light because he was trying to play guitar and drive at the same time. (We do not recommend that you try that!). Red was in the car with him and screamed "FABER... DRIVE!!!" They thought that sounded cool so they became Faber Drive.
How it all started:
They submitted a song called 'Sex and Love' to Vancouver's 99.3 The Fox station for the Battle of the Bands contest in 2006 - And yup, you guessed it: they won! The song made its way to the most requested songs list and to some pretty important ears (Nickelback?!) and they were signed to a major label shortly thereafter.
What they listen to on tour:I seriously approve of these choices.
U2, Boys like Girls, and Rage Against the Machine.
You should check them out because:(Link redirects to their Myspace page.) Note again, this is not my writing and I take no responsibilty for misspellings or inaccuracies facts. These are excerpts I've retyped; I don't even write like that. All credit goes to the magazine and their employees.
First and second single off the album, Second Chance and Tongue Tied, are radio chart toppers.
Their website:
In other news, 30 Seconds To Mars are out and about in the streets of New York making a music video for their single, "Hurricane". Filming started late last week, in an undisclosed location, some photos surfaced involving fishnets, latex, and photographers Terry Richardson and Aram Bedrossian. They seem to be taking an "Alejandro" approach. Kanye West is currently in Paris, France with the likes of U2. (What a win, four of my favourite artists in one paragraph).
(by Bedrossian; the photos have since been removed) |