Tra la la... if you don't have a Tumblr yet, you've fallen seriously behind. Older audiences and people who possess a life excepted, of course. Yeah, the Chicago Blackhawks won the Stanley Cup.
06.30 The first band signed to Velocity Rock (Rise Records division), Abandon All Ships is said to be a groundbreaker for the dancecore(?) genre. Here's to their become a recurring feature in our music industry; I would like this to happen but can't envision it. Geeving is released several months later.
08.02 Montrealers Arcade Fire releases The Surburbs via Merge Records. It proceeds to annihilate all obstructive matter on indie alternative charts.
09.09-19 The 35th Annual Toronto International Film Festival.
09.28Bedouin Soundclash releases Light The Horizon and I still have trouble spelling "Bedouin". Snazzy promo cards are distributed by their street team at various downtown show venues. They are subsequently found in trash cans.
10.05 The local boys churn out a sixth album (but I suppose it's only their fifth as Finger Eleven). Check out the video for the really electric single "Living In A Dream"; and tell me, do you hear similarities to "Porn Star Dancing"? Both songs are anthems, but I prefer F11's for once.
11.16The Russian Futurists (who ironically are not a group, nor Russian) release The Weight's On The Wheels. Also on that day were ten years of versatile pop from singer Nelly Furtado. Everything from folk to R&B is sampled on the compilation.
12.03 After several unsuccessful ventures into the United States, Timmies has finally conquered their own nation. What, were you expecting another doughnut scandal? (Tim Hortons lands in Iqaluit.)